Healthy emotional adaptation to conditions of prolonged affliction is a learned process. As opposed to a passive acceptance of affliction that can fuels physical and emotional stagnation, these processes intentionally clear space for the inflow of and subsequent expression of life affirming emotions even under severe circumstances.
Thelupusproject exists to help destigmatize and re-introduce discussions of these processes. By first acknowledging the existence of a legitimate spiritual basis to understand how the processes function and secondly presenting them in easy to replicate framework of a high expectation Christian practice.
For more information here.

Quick Start Guide
TLP – Written over a period of 3 ½ years of intense affliction, this is the most secularized account is the output of the use

Thelupusproject Part 3 – letters to grandchildren
Suffering and Forgiveness. When the State tries to murder you for defending Christianity. “Thus says the Lord to this people: “Thus they have loved to

TheLupusproject Project Part 2
TheLupusproject Project, Part 2 July 1, 2020 Originally published 4-15-14, updated in 2020. When you ask where is God, and why won’t he fix human