About The Lupus Project
Thelupusproject is the output of affliction. Since 4/15/2014, the primary goal of what is now thelupusproject.org has been to explain, defend and promote simplified Christian practices that provoke intense spiritual experiences.
Completely and unexpectedly emerging as a natural output of a deliberate practice, what the practices bring about are the deaths of some forms of emotional resistance to experiencing these events. In short, there’s a process in here somewhere that our society is not studying, not taking seriously, and actively stigmatizing via Probate court action.
Enduring affliction is a pathway from which unwavering lessons emerge. Those lessons, that opened doors to spiritual experiences far more spectacular than I have the vocabulary to describe, can be replicated by others in numerous ways.
For these processes to be seriously studied they will first have to be de-stigmatized. It is hoped this effort at destigmatization opens the door for serious study and helps end repressive court action commonly used today to repress legitimate dialog.