Many thanks to the Burros of Berea for allowing me to give my testimony on their podcast.  The homepage of their site is here:  The Burros of Berea – Explore the Word with our unorthodox way of study

My particular episode is here –


While acknowledging discussions on these topics can be anxiety amplifying to some people, amplifying anxiety or any sense that a person cannot find their personal redemption is not my goal.

Going into my 19th year of affliction, I can say confidently it is the lack of discussion on these topics that is responsible for amplifying anxiety about these topics.

I’m always open to more discussions about how to build and employ a healthy theistic framework to redirect painful emotions.  Although framing exercises can be described in secular context and practiced that way with limited success I will not discuss these topics outside of a theistic framework.  This is because I found Healing to be dependent upon a personal journey that removes obstacles that prevent the Holy Spirit from acting in one’s life.  

If these topics are of interest please feel free to contact me via this website.