
Realizing the TLP series is very wordy and the subject of framing exercises are not common knowledge inspired a few videos.    These were and are experimental and are subject to change and revision.  In general, I found these topics very difficult to cover in 5 minutes or less.  Keeping them to around 10 min meant leaving out some context. 

My personal opinion, Videos 1, 5 and 6 give a fairly decent overview.   Due to repetitive computer crashes, many components of the videos were scattered and some may need to be reconstructed.  Revisions will be made to all of them at some point in the future.  

The main channel address is:  

Video 1 – What is a Narrow Path practice?  This discusses how expectations of immersive experiences are Biblically justified and attempts to explain how those expectations alter the context of certain passages

Video 2 –  How unwavering emotions are employed when a practice assumes there’s no need to wait for the body to physically die before one experiences a powerful spiritual rebirthing event.

Video 3 – The topic of inverting no mercy into useful emotional states.

Video 4 – The topic of emotionally preparing for radical reconciliation

Video 5 – Touches on the topic of common obstructions raised to interfere with  dialog and actions that are important to maintaining a healthy practice. 

Video 6 – Touches on the topic of doublemindedness as a root cause of emotional instability and how framing exercises naturally work eliminate doublemindedness.